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Lubricating oil
  • Lubricating oil YG-E503

Lubricating oil YG-E503

  • Product introduction: The lubricating oil of this product is a high-quality product, mainly used as the lubricating oil during the running in or storage of the machine. It forms a layer of anti rust film on the internal surface of the machine. The product...
  • Product details

Product introduction: The lubricating oil of this product is a high-quality product, mainly used as the lubricating oil during the running in or storage of the machine. It forms a layer of anti rust film on the internal surface of the machine. The product is particularly suitable for use as running in lubricating oil for diesel and gasoline engines. The lubricating oil removes water from the metal surface and forms a firm waterproof film on the metal surface to prevent rust and corrosion. The lubricating oil absorbs the water in the system to form a water in oil lotion, so that the contact surface of the machine still has a satisfactory lubrication effect. The product has strong chemical stability, anti-wear and detergency, and is suitable for use as high-quality short-term lubricating oil..
Product characteristics:
1. Excellent rust prevention and corrosion resistance protection, excellent rust prevention performance during seasonal idle period, reducing the cleaning time necessary for equipment re commissioning and production, removing water from metal surface and forming a lasting protective film
2. Effective wear resistance to prevent equipment wear
3. Dual purpose lubricating oil/anti rust nature, reducing the cost and time during running in, testing or adjustment, and eliminating unnecessary flushing and drainage steps
Scope of application:
1. Running in and idle lubricating oil for engine and industrial equipment
2. Turbine out of service for a long time
3. The hydraulic system with water and formed lotion will not affect the operation
4. Test calibration oil

Product recommendation

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